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BHO Consulting GmbH
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50969 Köln
Dr. Philip Lüghausen (Data Protection Officer TÜVzert) mainly advises on data protection law and data law in connection with commercial data use. He advises several leading multinational and international pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers on data protection law, including DAX-listed corporations. His industry focus is on pharmaceuticals, construction and manufacturing. He has particular experience in drafting, reviewing and negotiating various types of data protection law contracts, in particular contract processing agreements and joint responsibility agreements, due to his project support. He has assisted numerous clients in implementing and continuously improving processes to comply with the GDPR. This includes advising on the implementation of data protection processes in both commercial applications and clinical and non-clinical research projects.
Dr Lüghausen is a member of the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR) and of NRW.uniTS, a network project funded by the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of North Rhine-Westphalia. He also publishes on data protection, e.g. in the Forms Handbook on Data Protection Law and has been a regular speaker at FORUM Institut für Management GmbH since 2014, conducting training sessions for company management and employees on data protection law issues in the pharmaceutical industry.
- Processing geolocation data under the GDPR, InsideGNSS 2019 (co-author: Matthias Lachenmann).
- Mobile apps: development and end user contracts, ITRB 2015, pp. 99-100 (original: Mobile Apps: Entwicklungs- und Endkundenverträge, ITRB 2015, S. 99-100).
- Data protection in clinical research, A & R 2018 (original: Datenschutz in der klinischen Forschung, A & R 2018).
- On the liability of a “digital bookseller” for copyright infringements, AfP Heft 1/2014 (original: Zur Haftung eines „digitalen Buchhändlers“ für Urheberrechtsverletzungen, AfP Heft 1/2014).
- Comment on the KG judgment on the use of the IPR reference “TM”, IPRB issue 11/2013.
- Comment on the BGH’s judgment in “virtuelle Videorecorder II”, K&R issue 6/2013.
- On the protection of interview questions, AfP issue 3/2013 (original: Zum Schutz von Interviewfragen, AfP Heft 3/2013).
- Right of the press to inspect public directories, AfP Heft 2/2013 (original: Einsichtnahmerecht der Presse in öffentliche Verzeichnisse, AfP Heft 2/2013)
- Lecturer at the University of Siegen, lecture on media business law and data protection law.
- Regular lecturer for FORUM Institut für Management GmbH on topics relevant to data protection and IT.
- Organisation and implementation of in-house training courses for SMEs and large group companies on data protection law topics, especially in connection with clinical studies and research and development in the pharmaceutical and drug industry.
- Protecting trade secrets in a court-proof manner, webinar, Cologne 2019 (co-speaker: Gerhard Deiters).