Support as Representatives in the EU acc. Article 27

 In Datenschutz

Companies based outside the EU which process data of EU citizens in a targeted manner must appoint a representative within the EU, which is stated by Article 27 DSGVO. The representative serves as a contact person for supervisory authorities and interested parties and will forward any enquiries to the company to the responsible contact person in the company. The representative must be officially appointed so that the company meets the formal requirements. As representatives, we forward enquiries to the companies and are available to the companies and enquirers for questions concerning data protection.

For groups without a registered office in the EU or without the capacity to forward data, we are happy to act as a representative. An international group can appoint an EU subsidiary as its representative. As a representative in accordance with Article 27, we provide the following services for you:


  • Contact person for supervisory authorities and affected parties with forwarding of inquiries
  • Delivery of letters, inquiries, official notices and possible fines to the company
  • Presentation of the appointment of a representative to the outside world (on request)


If you need more information, please get in touch with our team.

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