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Fax: +49 (0) 221 270 956 111
BHO Consulting GmbH
Vorgebirgstraße 132
50969 Köln
Mr Gerhard Deiters (Data Protection Officer TÜVzert) has specialised in data protection law since 2008. As a lawyer, he has been involved in various major projects in the field of data protection, mostly in a leading role, e.g. in the drafting of “Binding Corporate Rules” in an international group. He advises on the implementation of the GDPR in a large number of companies and authorities, including a large German medium-sized company with over 30 group companies. Currently, he is Chief Privacy Officer of the FUCHS Group as well as Data Protection Officer of companies such as KLEO Connect GmbH, GrapeCheck GmbH.
Before joining BHO Consulting GmbH, Mr. Deiters worked for several years as a lawyer at a major German law firm in the field of IT, telecommunications and data protection law; there he was one of the main contacts for data protection issues. During this time, he also worked as a data protection officer for one of the largest German engineering companies in the fields of buildings, transport and energy and the environment. He publishes e.g. in the magazine “Datenschutzberater” and the “Formularhandbuch Datenschutzrecht” and has been training extensively in data protection law since 2010.
- Control of 3G Evidence in the Workplace – Sample Documentation, in: ZD-Aktuell 20/2021 of 7.12.2021 (original: Kontrolle von 3G-Nachweisen am Arbeitsplatz – Muster zur Dokumentation, in: ZD-Aktuell 20/2021 vom 7.12.2021).
- Germany Chapter – Telecoms, Media and Internet Laws and Regulations 2014 (Original: Germany Chapter – Telecoms, Media and Internet Laws and Regulations 2014), in: The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Telecoms, Media and Internet Laws and Regulations 2014, published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London (co-author: Dr Dirk Stolz) (original: Deutschland Kapitel – Telekommunikation, Medien und Internet Gesetze und Verordnungen 2014 (Original: Germany Chapter – Telecoms, Media and Internet Laws and Regulations 2014), in: The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Telecoms, Media and Internet Laws and Regulations 2014, veröffentlicht von Global Legal Group Ltd, London (Mitautor: Dr. Dirk Stolz).
- Introduction of a Discovery Procedure on German Data Protection Law, in: Zeitschrift für Datenschutz (ZD), ZD 2013, p. 313 et seq. (Co-authors: Dr Philip Kempermann/Robert U. Fischer)(original: Einführung eines Discovery-Verfahrens über deutsches Datenschutzrecht, in: Zeitschrift für Datenschutz (ZD), ZD 2013, S. 313 ff. (Mitautoren: Dr. Philip Kempermann/Robert U. Fischer).
- Social Media: Data Protection And Company Details – A Never Ending Story?, in: GALA Gazette December 2011, published at
- Data Protection in the Surveyor’s Office (3) – Practical Examples, in: immobilien & bewerten 2011, 4/2011 (original: Datenschutz im Sachverständigenbüro (3) – Praxisbeispiele, in: immobilien & bewerten 2011, 4/2011.)
- Facebook “Like” Button: Compliant with German Data Privacy Laws and law against unfair competition?, in: GALA Gazette May 2011, published at
- Data protection law issues in connection with Ambient Assisted Living, Malteser Compliance Forum, Cologne 2019.
- Data and business secrets in the use of chat bots and speech recognition, Azure Saturday Cologne, Cologne 2019.
- Cookies, fan pages and social media plug ins, impact of the ECJ and BVerwG rulings, webinar, Cologne 2019.
- Legal issues of the use of mass data in BIM applications, Mobil.BIG.BIM., Fulda-Künzell 2019.